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  • The biggest help is when you try our site and give us feedback via our contact form or Facebook Page.
  • Liked it? Like, Share & Follow and the EXIF Hamster!


Missing or wrong camera / lens info?

Any camera or lens we are not able to identify? Contact us, we'll add it as soon as possible!

Want to join the team to help building this site?

We could need a hand in the following areas (Just drop us a line we're open!):

  • JAVA Development (Make the EXIF Hamster smarter)
  • PHP Development (Add more features to this site)
  • Web Design (Let it shine)
  • Translation (Let's speak your language)


Some of our code is based on Open Source Software by some really great people (see Credits) to give something back to the community and for further improvement we are released some of our code under (GPL 3.0) license.


Version, 2014-05-18
License: GNU General Public License v3

This software is an example implementation of how to retrieve and identify the (interchangeable) lenses used to take digital images. It’s note meant to be a ‘usable’ application but it comes with examples and binaries to see it in action.
The main purpose for jLensInfo was to port the decryption of Nikon lens information to JAVA and to implement the Nikon Unique Lens ID concept for the EXIF Hamster.

Supported Camera Makers: Canon, Nikon
Supported formats: JPEG, TIFF, CR2 (Canon RAW), NEF (Nikon RAW)

For more information and instructions see README.TXT in the zip-file.